• Consultations Opening Hours

    Monday : 9:00 – 18:00
    Tuesday : 9:00 – 18:00
    Wednesday : 9:00 – 18:00
    Thursday : 9:00 – 18:00
    Friday : 9:00 – 18:00

  • For walk-in emergencies, please contact our immediate care department.

    Monday – Friday
    9:00 – 18:00

    Saturday – Sunday
    10:00 – 17:00


    021 566 59 50

  • Outside of our opening hours the following numbers answer 24/7:

    Vital Emergencies:

    Doctors on call telephone center (CTMG Vaud) :
    0848 133 133

Electrocardiogram at the vevey nursing care department of the Vevey Gare Medical Center
Injection by a nurse from the Vevey nursing care department of the Centre médical Gare de Vevey

Nursing Care: a cornerstone of our care offering

The Gare de Vevey Medical Centre is a healthcare establishment in the heart of the Riviera, specialising in nursing care, particularly injectable care

The following lines describe the range of nursing care and the center’s philosophy. 

Injectable care in collaboration with health specialists

The Centre offers infusion services provided by our qualified nursing staff. This injectable care service is part of a close collaboration between our team of nurses and medical specialists in various fields in the region. 

The Gare de Vevey Medical Centre is affirming its commitment to comprehensive care and continuity of nursing care for the region’s population.

Essential medical collaboration for infusion care

Our ability to provide injection or infusion care is based on medical prescriptions. This ensures that treatments are personalised and tailored to the unique needs of each patient. 

This collaborative approach guarantees consistent, ongoing management of patient health, in perfect harmony with ongoing treatment and monitoring.

What are our infusion services?

We offer a wide range of injectable treatments, including : 

  • Punctual Infusions by our Nursing Experts. For treatments requiring antibiotics or other drugs administered intravenously, we offer tailored care. Our specialist nurses are able to administer all types of infusion.
  • Iron replacement: Qualified management by our Nurses. In our health center, highly qualified nursing staff are able to deal with iron deficiency. It offers a range of tailored infusion protocols, using different intravenous iron formulations to rapidly restore adequate blood levels. 
  • Injectable care for chronic diseases. We provide rigorous monitoring for patients requiring regular treatment with injections, in connection with the management of chronic diseases. Our injectable treatments are administered in accordance with the latest medical guidelines, ensuring optimal symptom management. The aim of our care is to improve patients’ independence. Our nurses provide patients with practical advice on how to effectively manage and improve their living conditions at home.

Our wound care and follow-up service

At the Gare de Vevey Medical Centre, our nursing specialists understand the importance of specialised care for complex wounds. 

Our nurses have advanced and specific training in wound care. They offer professional health care for these delicate cases by appointment.

Chronic wounds of the lower limbs represent a major challenge, with a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and their families. Proper management of chronic wounds is one of the ways in which healthcare costs can be kept under control.

Our nursing team takes a holistic approach. Each case is carefully assessed to develop a personalized treatment plan, based on recognized principles such as CASE and TIMERS. We focus our efforts on promoting effective healing while taking care of the social and psychological aspects of recovery.

The nursing commitments of the Gare de Vevey Medical Centre

  • Medical collaboration for integrated nursing care. Our nursing staff works in synergy with the region’s specialist doctors to provide an integrated nursing care service.
  • Technology and safety in healthcare. Our medical center uses state-of-the-art hospital equipment for safe and precise treatment.
  • Personalised care approach. Our nurses provide care according to medical prescription but also according to individual needs.
  • Personalised care approach. Our nurses provide care according to medical prescription but also according to individual needs.
  • Continuity of nursing care: a long-term commitment. The Gare de Vevey Medical Centre offers infusion care as an integral part of our patients’ health care. This enables us to enhance our collaboration with healthcare professionals in our region. We will support you throughout your care with skill and care.

Make an appointment today for nursing care in Vevey

To consult a nurse in Vevey, make an appointment by calling 021 566 59 50. We are located at Vevey train station, easily accessible by public transport.

Nursing Care Appointment Process

Request an Appointment

We welcome you by appointment from Monday to Friday.

Nurses Available

Nurses are available on time for existing and new patients.

Insurance Card

Take your insurance card with you to facilitate administrative aspects.

Please call 021 566 59 50 to request an appointment

Service de Pédiatrie Fermé

L'équipe du CMGV

Notre service de pédiatrie est exceptionnellement fermé les mardi 4, mercredi 5 et jeudi 6 mars 2025

En cas d'urgence vitale: Contactez le 144
En cas d'urgence non vitale: Contactez le 0848 133 133